Monday, December 21

my lil' heartbreaker

i was almost quite sure, all boys alike arent as loving and sweet as a lil daughter would be. i almost can imagine how a daughter would shower hugs and kisses every night and how she would tell me she loves me everynight before she goes to bed. she would be like mummy and daddy, with no qualms of a quick peck or a big hug when we felt like it.
but little did i expect, lo and behold, my lil boy is just as sweet if not super sweet. one of the first things he learnt to do was to do the flying kiss thingy. and he does it like an expert now. he is in the phase now where he plants kisses and gives big hugs when you least expects it. when i frown at him for being naughty, he will just start planting kisses . not just my face but he will aim at my lips. super cute. and he melts daddy's heart by running up to him to give him a big hug each time he gets back from work.
just tonight, while i was lying next to him putting him to sleep, he planted one huge kiss on my lips before putting his arms around my neck. he did this by inching himself towards me. everytime i felt that he was asleep i would inch away only to have him stir slightly to tighten his grip around my neck. my heart just melted. so we did the inch away , grab tighter thingy for a good ten minutes before he finally fell into a deep sleep. was i complaining? not one bit. i spent every second just thinking how sweet and loving my son has become. he is going to be just like daddy. one hell of a heartbreaker.....

Friday, December 18

15 months and loving every minute

my baby is almost hitting the 16mth mark! technically speaking i have been a mummy for 16+9mths already. its been an incredible journey and im looking forward to every minute spent with my baby!

'to the world you may be one person,
but to one person, you may be everything'

Merry xmas, 2009 has been a blast!