Tuesday, April 1

life is good

we finally passed the dreadful 16. i cant even bring myself to remember that fateful week. but anyway its been a long 17 weeks this time round and we pulled through with the help of lots of prayers and friends' and loved ones' blessings. We are so looking forward to expecting our first child in Aug / Sep. Its going to be a Leo baby! Family seems ecstatic and its helps to ease our anxiety until the arrival of our baby. It will be another week or 2 before we declare its officially past the risk period and i just cant bloody wait............... i need to shop for baby clothes and really start planning for the baby.
hubz felt a kick or two ... he claims. i've felt slight flutters in my tummy ... i think . so we aint that sure that's baby Cristian talking to us but we do know that baby is doing well coz of the constant cramps and backaches i feel on a daily basis. But i am so not complaining coz its a sure sign that Cristian is growing well with a vengeance! i had a super blonde moment when i mentioned to our gynae that i didnt have such symptoms the previous pregnancy and he was like " Baby wasnt growing what " hiaks .

so the pregnancy has almost taken over our life , work still goes on. Hubz is still busy with work and the bakery while work has taken a positive turn for me. Looks like life is looking good now .... and of coz it doesnt hurt to have male colleagues (read: wierd) writing blogs at their age
here goes one http://dwee-david.blogspot.com/

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