Thursday, March 6

tears of joy

now i know the true meaning of tears of joy. it was an unbelievably feeling of 'high' when we saw our baby kicking and twisting around. dr said baby's very active and doing well. he did very preliminary tests for down syndrome like measurement of nasal and neck width to show that bb was doing good. yippeee.... that was extremely comforting to know that baby is growing well with a vengeance. the late night coaxing and tummy rubbing have paid off! dr also declared that the risk is significantly lower now that we have entered the second trimester of the preganancy!
what was more amazing was the moment we stepped out of the room, i looked at hubz and went
me : did you see something?
hubz : yeah man . i tawt only i saw it
me : no no i saw a penis too!
hubz : yeah should be
okay maybe the gynae just wanted to be sure and told us he will only tell us the gender next week.
but of course it doesnt matter .... coz the baby will still be our most precious gift!

as always ... after every good news visit to the gynae, my morning sickness just seemed to disappear and we had a good meal of Din Tai Fung. *PURE BLISS*

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