Tuesday, April 24

always a baby

the past days, everytime i think yeah... ive good great news to share and ive got to blog about it . and then i think 'oh yah she mentioned it was a secret' and then i think, damn. i've think of something else to write about. boring.
and so today.she wrote in her blog about it. which means i can tell the world!
my babysis has got her internship with a very sought after employer. (still not sure whether i can reveal coz she didnt) anyway, i am so damn proud of her!! haha . altho it was somehow or rather through abit of connections here and there, im sure she deserves working there with all the hard work and diligence she put to her studies. i know its only internship, but hey its not easy to work with *** hor. i know. coz years back i had to go through 3 bloody rounds of interview with three different sets of management before i got the job. and it was bloody low paying shit.
anyway i hope this internship will work for her and help her realise that work is tough shit. its a wild wild world out there. its a grab the best job on the platter and decide later kind of world. thats my philosophy. hiaks. i swear i would karate chop whoever bullies her. im sure mum would too. say too. and dad will be forced to retire too. haha

always a baby.
in our eyes.

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