Wednesday, September 26

only because...

its back to work today.... seriously it was quite nerve wrecking prepping myself to step into office to face all sorts of questions. i even did the take a deep breath and told myself i can do it kind of thing.

i was pleasantly surprise that everyone stop short at asking "are you ok". not that im complaining but it definitely made things so much easier. of coz some dear fren ( whom i am truely grateful to) must have pre-warned them without revealing the reason why. muacks muacks. i did a fair bit of explaining to my boss (in details) and was even more grateful that he has been so understanding and sensitive with the whole issue. What more can i ask for??!! fantastic colleagues and wonderful boss.... sigh....

i think i have gained so much more through this ordeal (nothing more casual as it will always be etched in my memories). I have come to realize that i am truly blessed with great frenz and family.

of coz with deserved mention is my one and only hubz. i love him i love him i love him. its hard to understand what he went through but yet he shone like the light at the end of the tunnel. my only refuge through the darkest hours.mushy but i like ...... muackz muackz muackz. with the constant touches of reassurance and declarations of love ... he has given me the sole reason to come out as a stronger person and better partner.i love you i love you i love you .... so who's da man .... :)

my little sister for crying the hardest and sharing every bit of pain i little angel would have been thrilled to know he was loved by so many. aside,she always been looking out for me despite her little princessy ways and for this ... i have loved her more than any other sister would.

my parents for the little gestures of love and concern.

my best frenz for the constant care and concern and mostly for knowing when i needed the company and talks. for being so sensitive about the whole thing and being there when it was the right time. i love you guys and there isnt a better bunch than you ....

and to my best pals at work... thank you for making my first day back at work surprisingly easy. i noticed the efforts in the sensitivity in words and conversations that we carried out. thank you for the jokes and gossips that you guys have saved for me .... thank you thank you thank you.

i seriously ... couldnt ask for more ...

and so.... for the one angel i have lost .... i am truly blessed in many other ways ... and so here i am ... never the same but stronger than ever ...

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