Monday, October 1

so whats next

-That which does not kill me, makes me stronger-

I have got enough bad luck in my life now that nothing can make it worse. And i am so over lamenting over the series of bad luck. It is not my fault that things happen this way .... i didnt ask for it, neither did i want it. I didnt ask for anyone to be upset for me or upset because of me. So scram and quit thinking negative thoughts aloud when i am trying my utmost to think POSITIVE and think STRONG. coz those are the only thoughts that i want to think to pull me through the bad times. No one feels worse than i do ... so spilling more shit on my face wont make it any worse.

I wished for the same things thrice on all occasions of celebrating my birthday this year and it turned out otherwise. the very next day.

so NOTHING else can bring me down ...

And i reversed my car into the same wall... twice today. So give me more .....

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