Wednesday, February 28

big tits

i bet i wouldnt have this problem

praying for Fan Tai Sui

had dinner @ circuit hawker after picking my father in law from work. happened to pass by the eunos temple and decided to do some 'brief' praying as i havent done so since the cny.
as my mother in law mentioned that she had prayed for tai sui for us already, i decided that i would do it again (for kiasu reasons).
anyway this was the first time i prayed for fan tai sui (this info is from someone else's blog) myself. it was a very wierd process. first i had to take a number and get in line. this old (very) man asked for my name and 八字. not very sure of my chinese birthdate, i gave him my ang mo one. and he whipped out an extraodinary calculater. i took a peek at it and it actually calculates your chinese birthdate. amazing. and it displays figures in chinese. hee
anyway after writing the info on this yellow paper i had to queue and join a group of pp (obviously with the same purpose) to pray for fan tai sui. the taoist priest would then say a chain of prayers occasionally asking us to repeat after him and he ended with saying about 10 plus names (all from the yellow papers) followed by chain of prayers again. it was really wierd.
but anyhow, i hope everything goes smoothly for both of us this yr. its always better to be safe than sorry

Tuesday, February 27

my current mood

shittish + tired

麻辣火锅 overrated

had 麻辣火锅 for dinner@ Marine Parade ( next to NTUC) with the in laws and hubby today.
nothing very special except that it was really messy and not as crowded as those in bugis.
they served however pretty good cook food esp the crab + man tou and sweet n sour pork.

the very messy 火锅

my hungry hubby

spent the evening @ Chevy's.
Won $10 in black jack to fren we met
Lost $4 in pool.
Lost $12 in dai di
Total Nett Winnings : -$6

Monday, February 26

to my boss

thank you all

had a fantastic sunday. mostly because i love when we have gatherings at home and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. it was mostly blackjack the whole afternoon. all the 毒鬼s were too busy gambling that all ate relatively lesser than at any other parties.
had loads of fun counting the money while dar spent more than 7 hours on his feet being the banker. poor dear. but im sure he thinks its worth the effort. hee. mostly light casualties for all. the biggest casualty however came in the form of my father in law. he crashed right into the glass door thinking it was open and suffered quite a cut in the nose. must have been the impact from his specs. ouch!
i will dread it when cny ends. i will have no more excuses to have gatherings and endless blackjacking and mahjonging.
didnt manage to take many pics coz we were too busy gambling. haha

peck eng with the first triple 7 of the night

part of the party

marc lim cock biao the second triple 7 winner of the night

my stash at the start of the game

proceeded to build a wall of oranges to protect
the growing army halfway through the game

by the end of the night i had build a fortress to
protect my army from evil eyes . hiaks

on a different note, we stopped the gambling to watch the carling cup. poor John Terry. i actually saw him fall to the ground in fits. uggghhh. sent shivers to my much as i hate chelsea, i love john terry as a player and i hope nothing too serious happens to him.

Sunday, February 25

so cute


this is so cute i couldnt resist.
i am after all an over grown/aged pooh fan.

definition of mahjong

Mahjong (Traditional Chinese: 麻將; Simplified Chinese: 麻将; pinyin: Májiàng; Cantonese: Màhjeung; or Chinese: 麻雀; pinyin: Máquè; Cantonese: Màhjeuk; other common English spellings include mahjongg, majiang, and hyphenated forms such as mah-jong or mah-jongg) is a game for four players that originated in China.

It involves skill, strategy, and calculation, as well as luck. Depending on the variation which is played, luck can be anything from a minor to a dominant factor in success. In Asia, mahjong is as popular as gambling or computer games.

The object of the game is to build complete suits - or melds (usually of threes) - from either 13 or 16 tiles. The first person to achieve this goal wins the game. The winning tile completes the player's set of either 14 or 17 tiles.

read more here

how come i never got to do this in school.

i could have been the top student

Saturday, February 24

knick knacks

ever felt like you just needed to spend that wee bit of money just to satisfy your desires.
went to marine terrace this afternoon to run some errands and passed by this bazaar that has been there for almost a month.
it was run by a very grumpy old couple who sold knick knacks almost as old as them or even older. the last time i browsed through, i saw a gold plated abacus keychain that i kinda liked but stop short of asking the grumpy old woman who was already packing up. this time round, i decided to give it another shot and found that it was only $2!! as a believer of fengshui,i bought something similiar from WOF without the keyring to put on my desk for $28!! i also found this necklace that i bet you would have cost like $50 at somewhere like far east or something. and i only bought it for $6. i likeeeeeeee.

$2 abacus keychain

$6 necklace

its a warehouse

popped over to dad's fren's new place to collect a relative new 29" Tv that he has no space for. at first i assumed that he had just gotten a lcd tv and didnt want more than 2 or 3 tvs in the house. until i arrived at his place and found this ....

its in every corner of the apartment. according to dad, there are at least 10,000 boxes of aircraft models in the house.but what he did not mention to me was that half of those belonged to him. haha. until his friend told me in the quiet.
so whats left is the only sanctuary in the house.

now i know why he doesnt have space for a 29" tv

love life!

love it when i play 14 and half hours of maj.
love it when dar joins in the fun.
love it even more when i win lotsa $$.
love it that i dun have to work tomorrow.
love it that the its a great start to the new year.

Friday, February 23

time for a camera upgrade

headed out to meet alvin for a drink @ dungeon. even tho i know him only close to 2 yrs from the time i worked at far east. its just one of those frenz you never want to lose. its always a blast to hang out.
and i am so impressed by his camera in the sony ericsson was something like 3.something mb and it even has flash. how come i dun get such good cams. even my T1 is no longer that impressive. i really need to change my cameras. both in my 5300 and my T1.

taken in a dark dark pub. and the pics turned out well.
and it uploads songs in like seconds. impressive.

Thursday, February 22

Wednesday, February 21

MONDAY blues

know whats really worse than getting back to work after a long weekend......

forgetting to bring along my trusty med for my damn cramps

"Clinically proven to give fast effective relief of period pain and discomfort. Paracetamol has analgesic (pain reliever) and antipyretic (fever reducing) properties. Pamabrom increases renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate, thus promoting the discharge of urine. Pamabrom also relieves water retention symptoms of pre-menstrual and menstrual periods. Gentle on the stomach. Virtually free of side effects."

seriously, NOTHING works for me except this. even doctors' prescriptions sux.
panadol menstrual and ru yi oil works wonders!
i love the smell of ru yi oil.

TABLE for SALE on ebay

On ebay.

Dining table for sale.
How can you tell that the seller is not a woman?

Men = Pigs

Men = Pig Formula

Human = eat + sleep + work + enjoy
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Human = Pigs + work + enjoy
if, Human - enjoy = Pigs + work
in other words,
Human that don't know enjoy = pigs that work
Men = eat + sleep + earn money
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Men = Pigs + earn money
if Men - earn money = Pigs
in other words,
Men that don't earn money = Pigs

Women = eat + sleep + spend
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Women = Pigs + spend
if, Women - spend = Pigs
In other words,
Women that don't spend = Pigs

Men earn money not to let women become pigs!
Women spend not to let men become pigs!

happy new year

cny this year feels different coz we no longer get ang paos. it was more exciting when we needed to visit as many places and pp to get as many ang paos as was almost like a rave against time to beat the previous yr collection. nevertheless, i still love cny just coz of the 人气 in every household. i figured thats why i love to have parties and gatherings at my place.
there is also a fresh change in questions that we face this yr. its mostly why never have kids. when you getting kids. its not i dunt want. i just havent tried lah. maybe after carrying 2 new borns in two days, i should have some baby dust in the months to come.
in just 3 days of cny celebrations, i have clocked a total of almost 40 hours of maj. it feels almost like i am trying to meet some target. and i love it! and the best part of it.... darling has a part in it all.i love it when i get to do my fav thing and its exceptionally delightful with my darling around. double joy! hee. however every story has its end. we cant play thru the night today coz of work tomorrow. dreads.
since i was busy with maj, i managed only a few pics.

Sunday, February 18

on the eve.

It was our first ever double reunion dinner.
And we are stuffed. We had Tom Yam Steamboat at home and went back to mum's shortly after for more Yu Sheng, Buah Kuluak ( yuummY),chicken curry,roasted duck, etc etc. But it was all good. We ended the night at mum's with a game of mahjong. of course, granny complained that she was tired after a whole day of cooking, but the moment she knew i was planning for a mahj game, she zipped into the room to change into fresh set of clothes. of coz she left all the dishes to shanty. how cute.

And to end of the wonderful night spent at mum's, i kidnapped my baby. So even if there's no mahj back at home for new yr's eve night, its almost perfect.



Its a prefect start to a great new year

also not forgetting that it's my babysis's 22nd Birthday today!!!

HappY BiRthday Carlene.
May all your wishes come true.
You are perfect in your own ways.
and i love you for all that you are.


Send this free eCard
Send this eCard !

Saturday, February 17


this is why i say my babysis loves me so.

home made
"carlene's" krispies

i bet no sis would. in one day.
ha. i am spoilt and so GLOATING about it.
and its all for me and only me.

Friday, February 16

shit happens

is this a sign of more bad things to come.

damn it. it's suppose to be a brand new year.

is it always my fault when shit happens.

and the shit aint mine at all.


superman meets hello kitty

when Superman
is a huge fan of Hello Kitty

Thursday, February 15

i want!


Becky's life is blooming! She's working at London's newest fashion store, The Look, house-hunting with husband Luke (her secret wish is a Shoe Room)...and she's pregnant! She couldn't be more overjoyed - especially since discovering that shopping cures morning sickness. Everything has got to be perfect for her baby: from the designer the latest, coolest the celebrity, must-have obstetrician. But when the celebrity obstetrician turns out to be her husband Luke's glamorous, intellectual ex-girlfriend, Becky's perfect world starts to crumble. She's shopping for two...but are there three in her marriage?

valentine oh valentine

our first valentine date as husband and wife din go exactly as planned. we were looking forward to having a nice lavish dinner and then popping over to chevys to end the night.
and i had to spoil it all ......

i just had to bring up the matter to him as soon as i got into the car and from that very instant i knew i made a hugeeeee mistake. i just couldnt hold my anxiousness to solve things till end of the night..... i am such a BumMer!! and then of coz yada yada yada, there was not much argument just alot of unhappiness. at first i felt so wronged.... like come on man ... i am not the cause of the problem. i am after the all the one who is so very torn between the 2 i love most. if only they knew right from the start i would do anything in my means to make them both happy.

anyway as we settled for a long dinner of Bak Chor mee (yeah ... bak chor mee for valentines), i began to realise not to see myself as the victim but to see things from other perspective. i knew he would eventually do anything to not make me unhappy at his own expense. i knew he would be angry at everyone else except me. i knew he would give up many more things just so that i could have more. and yet i expected him to see things from my perspective. i hate myself for making him unhappy and love him to bits for loving me more than anything else.

as dinner came to an end he hit me with one hell of a statement

r: y did you have to tell me b4 dinner?
t: i just couldnt bear the burden myself anymore. i had to share it with you
r: if i were you i would make myself feel miserable until the end of the day. i wont spoil your day with such burdens.


i am so guilty of being selfish.

so dar, if you are reading this, pls pls know from the bottom of my heart that i would be so lost without you. i know i can be selfish when it comes to loving you and i promise to love you more each day. i never mean to hurt you or make you feel miserable. i thank God that he has blessed me with the best friend / companion / lover / husband one could ever have. thank you for always wanting only the best for me. love you to bits.

Wednesday, February 14


what exactly do you do when you are torn between two pp you love dearly.

1)step back and hope for the best (as i always try to do)


2)make one party unhappy and the other satisfied?

i always try to make everyone around me happy.
but in this situation, i just have to choose one.
but who will understand me more to compromise?

can i say a prayer to make it go away?


Have a wonderful valentine's.

brazilian anyone?

Tuesday, February 13


i have a sudden craving. it seemed like so long ago that i had one. one moment it was every where in the marts and the next. voila. you never see them again.

altho, i am so bloody sure the wrappings were a tad shinier / shimmery.

Kellogg's® Rice Krispies Treats®
Original bars

Crisp rice cereal and marshmallow square.

Allergen Information


Dietary Exchange Per Serving

1 Carbohydrate

Kosher Status

Not Certified

Country of Origin

Distributed in USA

this was something carlene and i used to love. esp the marshmallow ones. i can vaguely remember us fighting over. or maybe not. or rather she knew i loved them and she always made it a point to buy these back for me. cant remember. that was my little sis. she bought me stuff (often) esp food so that she could have bits of it. just kidding. but i love her for those unspoken actions. and i missed those times now. and in case nobody realises, i love her to bits. cant imagine growing up alone.
cant really remember anyone else loving it as much as us. altho i have this faint memory of me and one of my jc mates often sharing one pathetic bar between us. because selfish me always refuse to bring more than one to school. ha.

YUMzzzzzzzzzzz. imagine my desperation. i actually surfed the net for it. P.L.E.A.S.E tell me if you see some of these around.

babe alert

l can almost imagine myself
looking like woman in blue g's
in 30 years. she seems to have
smaller breasts. hee

check out the tight g's
and the tatz on her back
you should see her face
it matches the hell of an
ass perfectly. hiaks

if only i could fit into
those tights