Saturday, March 31

post mahjong

so i slept at 8am and woke at 1030 to get to office. had to help mum to clear as much work as possible to ensure that work flow is not disrupted while i am not around.
i will miss mum when i start work.
no more free lunches. hee
no more girly talks.
no more listening ear for each other.
anyway life goes on. i will appreciate sundays more.

made our way to taka to collect a suit i bought - post alteration.
and then decided to have some simple fare at the wisma food court.
simple fare it was not.
the food prices are alarmingly expensive for a food court meal!

enroute to taka

my babe's fav drink

rocker at heart

$8.10 nasi padang

$6.00 'scissors cut' rice

$1.70 x 2 peach tea

cant tell you enough how tired i still am after sleeping the evening away.

Friday, March 30

think like chinese

extracted from forwarded mail from mother in law

just for thoughts.

"A Chinese walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer.He tells the loan

officer that he is going to Taiwan on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The

bank officer tells him that the bank will need some form of security for the loan, so the Chinese

hands over the keys to a new Ferrari parked on the street in front of the bank.He produces the

title and everything ch! ecked out.The loan officer agrees to accept the car as collateral for the

loan.The bank's president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the Chinese for using a

$250,000 Ferrari as collateral against a $5,000 loan.. An employee of the bank then drives the

Ferrari into the bank's underground garage and parks it there. Two weeks later, the Chinese

returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest,which comes to $15.41. The loan officer says,

"Sir, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very

nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away,we checked you out and found that you

are a multi-millionaire. What puzzles us is,why would you bother to borrow $5,000?"

can you guess why?

Thursday, March 29

qantas ad

forwarded to me from someone in competitor airline.
who else. haha

Wednesday, March 28

i want....

check out the dancing dog here.
i want!!!!!!!!!!!
video forwarded by Dean. so cute i cant resist.......

Tuesday, March 27

an intimate affair

and so i broke the news to mum yesterday.
no one would know the amount of courage it took me to tell her i would have to stop helping her @ work very soon.
but she took it all in her stride and in fact told me it was a good opportunity for me and that i should work hard.
and then. today she asks " so when would you be signing the papers? maybe they wont call you. then you can stay and work for me. i think i will call them and tell them not to offer you the job. " she said it with such jest i could almost felt that she was for real.
seriously. im having the time of my life spending every waking moment with the pp i love. i wake up to the man i love. and i work the rest of the day with the woman i love. what more could i ask for. but i suppose i am selfish. i want to earn my own money. i want to do my own things.
so it hit me kinda hard to know that my mum needs me at work.not that i do alot for her. but i suppose i am useful in some ways. and so throughout the day, there was an unspoken unbearable feeling of having to part soon. i almost dread my last day helping her at work.
and so i took the opportunity to spend some time with her after work and went shopping @ Raffles City.
and i forgot to switch off the headlights. by the time we came back to the car. the battery was flat. dead. geez. and so dear mum found out the reason was coz i left the head lights on. and all she said was " now we can go buy the ribs at half price (at cold storage after a certain time). since we have to wait for an hour for the guy to come". sigh. i felt even worse. knowing she was really tired.
so when we parted. i felt the least i could do was leave her an sms

tam: sorry ma for the trouble. sms me when you get home k
ma: no pblm abt the car. its a matter of time. im home already. nw you know how imp u r to give me support. hehehe trying 2 make you feel remorseful for resigning
tam: hee okok no matter what happens you know i love you the most.
ma: hope you wont get it. just joking lah. let me know the good news.

i may not be rich in wealth. but i do know i will die knowing that im the most loved gal in the world.

Monday, March 26

wedding video

i know this is long overdued.
anyway, you can watch the wedding highlights here


who's da man!!

tonight, he catches a bug and traps a grasshopper.
in the overturned bin.

and assigned Nemo to keep watch until someone gets rid of the hopper.

so tell me who's da man......

Sunday, March 25

i hate sales

another sunday of chilling and shopping with my fair ladies.
i had an exceptional 'casual' day. maybe coz the boys were not lingering around. hiaks
Aldo was having a sale of up to 50%. i got even more excited when mum offered to buy me A FEW pairs. i tried on every single design that i sworn i would buy when it was not so ex. but guess what.
my size had run out for every single pair. arrrggghhhh.
looks like im destined to buy also shoes at full price. bleah.
i H.a.t.e. sales

chanced upon this store @ Centrepoint.
high chance its the sister cpy of Kookai.hee

my darling sis.

trying to catch a pretty pic of herself.
and mum. haha

designated driver.
only coz the assigned driver would take ages to drive home.
and exit from cairnhill carpark.

anyway, it was popiah day back @ simei.

granny making me some 爱心包饼

camera shy

mei's own creation.
just coz granny loves me more.
she claims.
so she has to make her own.

my half eaten 爱心包饼

shopping queen

havent gone on a shopping spree in a while.
imagine the excitement when we ( actually i was the excited, he was the paymaster) decided to do some major shopping @ Orchard today.
acting oblivious to the money spent is always the best part of it.
well, the reason for this trip, i shall reveal at a more appropriate time.

had our favorite food court fare of all time

our very young ah beng chef

dear's simple fare.
the scallop & fish are my leftovers

as usual, i had to have a bit of everything
veg, tao gei,lamb, sotong, scallop & fish.

Thursday, March 22

damn torrent

so we figured out the problem with the intermittent connection.
the downloading of torrents have to stop for a while. until we figure out an alternative configuration of the settings.
Prison Break season 3 epi 20 will have to take a break .
until some tech savvy dude offers some help.

anyway, CHevy's last night.

the band tt played at e wedding

the champion

@ supper after chevy's

the bandung & me


cant wait.
just coz i get to play mahj fridays.
once a week mahj rules to change only if i get preggy.
as promised by hubz.
till then......

Wednesday, March 21


so our router problem was solved(almost) i am trying to post this is the midst of correcting the router. and then we couldnt type letters like A/S/D/F. which actually meant we couldnt even log into the system as our log in password consisted a certain number of the not usable letters.

anyway we went in (urgent) search of a USB keyboard. we didnt even know that Dell has changed all its keyboards to USB ports until we tried to interchange the several available ones we had at home to no avail.

anyway we accompanied my mother in law to pray at Balastier.
supposed to be 大伯公's birthday. (but din see any birthday cake leh hee)

bloody crowded.
even had to queue for joss sticks.

on a different note.

pics of the (only) cat i love.

Tuesday, March 20

oh my gawd!

Girlfriend dumped live on radio (audio)

past the 18th

farnie thing. we live apart already. and we still have the time of the month almost the same time. maybe its an unspoken closeness we share. one or 2 days apart maybe. they always say women who hang out together have it together. and it is proven. the women (including the babies) @ simei all have it together. my sis's late. i wonder if it's the same reason why im late too.

Sunday, March 18

router down

internet has been down. mainly because of the router.
time on the internet is so precious coz network goes bonkers in a matter of seconds.

its been a gd weekend.
fri night mahj.
sat @ ikea tampines.
ridiculously crowded.
and we queued 45 mins for this

swedish meatballs. yumz

smoked salmon.

view of giant from ikea

my babe @ HUGE carpark

and then it was dinner with mum, sis and bf
whilst waiting for the gals to be ready.
dear grabbed some char kway teow.
and look who's wanting some too.

first it was Sha Sha

and then it was Jo Jo.

in case you were wondering, Mae Mae was staring down at my mouth from
mouthfuls of the Char Kway Teow.

later @ night, we had dinner at Hawaii BBQ at Turf City.
as we agreed, it was a 'cute' dinner.

nicely decorated ice honey tea

bbq meat.

bbq fruits. yes.
and pineapple.
best part of the meal.

Friday, March 16

more than meets its eye

A True Story
(Theres more than meets its eye)
A man was flying from Seattle to San Francisco. Unexpectedly, the plane was diverted to Sacramento along the way. The flight attendant explained that there would be a delay, and if the passengers wanted to get off the aircraft the plane would re-board in 50 minutes. Everybody got off the plane except one lady who was blind. The man had noticed her as he walked by and could tell the lady was blind because her Seeing Eye dog lay quietly underneath the seats in front of her throughout the entire flight.He could also tell she had flown this very flight before because the pilot approached her, and calling her by name, said, "Kathy, we are in Sacramento for almost an hour. Would you like to get off and stretch your legs?" The blind lady replied, "No thanks, but maybe my dog would like to stretch his legs."Picture this: All the people in the gate area came to a complete standstill when they looked up and saw the pilot walk off the plane with a Seeing Eye dog! The pilot was even wearing sunglasses. People scattered. They not only tried to change planes, but they were trying to change airlines!

anyway it took me three reads before i realised that the pilot was not blind.

Thursday, March 15

star struck

remember my this post.
i think i couldnt be luckier.
we met both of them tonight @ Dungeon.
and i didnt even notice until they started singing.
not wanting to look uncool,i tried to sneak a few pics here and there, super discreetly, hoping no one would notice.
this is what i got.

blame it on my lousy phone cam
notice Jon in white @ the bar

this is a bloody bad pic
of darren in grey singing in the background
i managed to get a series of lousy pics of them.
including one of my baby playing pool with Jon. of coz missing Jon coz i was trying to be discreet

and when my baby noticed that i was still trying to snap pics secretly.
he surprised me by approaching Jon for a pic.
haha. imagine my man doing it just coz of me.

how sweet.
and i even got to play a game of pool with him.
but my baby surprised me the most when he was adamant to get a pic with Darren
just so that i could satisfy my ' 绝对superstar fan ' desire.
and he did just that. in front of the whole crowd again.

this is how much my baby loves me.
and he feels accomplished that he made my day.
Who's De Man!!

Wednesday, March 14

its in town!

the e65 is in town.
and we got it the moment we received the call.

taken with old phone cam.
i will miss my 'danglings'

blogger streak

was having supper @ Raminah's.
when he picked up my phone and started snapping pics.

mee bandung.
singapore best

mee hoon goreng with no veg.

i think he's getting the hang of it.
he might just have the blogger streak in him.

my new toy

you know you are loved when he goes to Fu Lu Shou just to get $75 worth of mahjong chips. just because you want a new set. just to match the new table.

and he aint even a gambler.
i feel loved.