Saturday, March 31

post mahjong

so i slept at 8am and woke at 1030 to get to office. had to help mum to clear as much work as possible to ensure that work flow is not disrupted while i am not around.
i will miss mum when i start work.
no more free lunches. hee
no more girly talks.
no more listening ear for each other.
anyway life goes on. i will appreciate sundays more.

made our way to taka to collect a suit i bought - post alteration.
and then decided to have some simple fare at the wisma food court.
simple fare it was not.
the food prices are alarmingly expensive for a food court meal!

enroute to taka

my babe's fav drink

rocker at heart

$8.10 nasi padang

$6.00 'scissors cut' rice

$1.70 x 2 peach tea

cant tell you enough how tired i still am after sleeping the evening away.

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