Monday, October 8

what a break

Ten Thing i Learnt over the weekend

1) Sgp - KL - Genting aint that far when you are not the front seat passenger
2) Its okay to have a poor navigator as long as you have a patient driver
3) Its useless to have a good hotel room if you have a faulty shower head
4) I can buy 7 pairs of shoes from a single shop in KL and it still cant get me one pair of Aldos
5) You know another hardcore gambler when you meet her by chance in Genting besides at Mahjong weekends
6) I may need counselling coz i dun feel the pinch after losing 1000 ringgit
7) I will be very very very broke if i din marry a man who hates gambling
8) There is absolutely nothing to do for the non gambling husbands except hover around the gambling wives for hours
9) Good company is the most important part of a short getaway
10) I need more getaways.

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